Can't set streams_pool_size to zero?If you are using spfile, pre-optimized values are saved on the spfile, if you restart the database, they don't have to be recalculated again.
This are real values and can block you from setting them to zero, for example, after an upgrade.
this command will not work.
alter system set streams_pool_size=0 scope=both sid='xxx';
The reason are the following parameter you must set to zero before.
alter system set "__streams_pool_size"=0 scope=both sid='xxx';
alter system set "__shared_pool_size"=0 scope=both sid='xxx';
alter system set "__large_pool_size"=0 scope=both sid='xxx';
alter system set "__java_pool_size"=0 scope=both sid='xxx';
Remember this values in the same way as the normal parameter (__java_pool_size and java_pool_size) set the minimum value is you are using automatic memory management.